Mach Number Calculator

There are a lot of different measurements and descriptors of speed. Mach numbers are one of those and are used rather often in certain fields. Use this tool to identify the Mach number of a certain speed.

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Mach Number:

What it is

What is a Mach Number?

Create Date: October 8, 2024

Last Modified Date: January 14, 2025

Mach itself is a unit of speed measurement for very fast-moving objects. It is a scale of speed that is based on the speed of sound, which changes based on the temperature of the air. The Mach scale typically goes from 0 to 25, but it can exceed that in rare circumstances.

How to Calculate Mach Speed Number

Mach speed is based on a number of variables, mainly: air temperature and object speed. Using the air temperature you get the speed of sound and then use the following formula to find the Mach speed number:

An image of the Mach speed number formula.

Understanding Your Results

When you hit calculate you will get a single result—a number that is equal to the Mach number of the object's speed. Mach number can be as low as zero, and while it is rare to see anything over Mach 25, there is the capability that the Mach number is greater than 25.

When assessing your results, here are some significant Mach numbers:

  • Mach 0 - 0.8: Subsonic speed

  • Mach 0.8 - 1.2: Transonic speed

  • Mach 1.2 - 5: Supersonic speed

  • Mach 5 - 10: Hypersonic speed

  • Mach 10 - 25: High-Hypersonic speed

  • Mach 25+: Re-entry speeds

How to Use the Mach Number Calculator

If you want to easily find the Mach number of an object, you are in the right place. To use our tool:

  1. Enter the object's speed and select the proper unit of measurement.
  2. Enter the air temperature and select the proper unit of measurement.
  3. Hit calculate and instantly get your results!

Calculation Example

It is a beautiful 65°F outside as you make your way to the jet show. You hear the announcer say they are moving at a blistering 1,200 mph and want to figure out the Mach number equivalent of that. Using this tool, you do not need to find the speed of sound—our program does it for you. Simply enter the speed and choose the correct unit of measurement, then enter the temperature. Hitting calculate will generate your answer in less than a second—that jet was going Mach 1.57!

Mach Speed Number - Frequently Asked Questions

Mach 10 is about 7,700 mph in 65°F weather. The exact speed of Mach 10 will depend on the air temperature.

Yes, Mach 3 is around 2,250 miles per hour in 65°F weather. Not many weapons are capable of firing a bullet that fast, but there may be a few that can.

According to online sources familiar with the topic, the fastest Mach achieved by a man-made craft was 9.6 but it was unmanned. The fastest a manned aircraft has moved is 6.7.

The aircraft in Top Gun was the Lockheed Martin F-104 Starfighter. It is a craft that is actually in use in real life, but it is not capable of actually reaching Mach 10.

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