Wet Bulb Calculator

Wet bulb has nothing to do with light bulbs. It is a term used in meteorology that describes the lowest temperature air can reach through the evaporation of water only.

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What it is

What is Wet Bulb Temperature?

Create Date: June 18, 2024

Last Modified Date: December 6, 2024

Wet bulb temperature is a term used in meteorology that describes the lowest temperature air can reach through the evaporation of water only. It is a unique metric and is not used too often.

How do you Calculate Wet Bulb Temperature?

Calculating wet bulb temperature can be done with the following variables:

  1. Temperature

  2. Humidity

Understanding Your Results

The result from this calculator will be a temperature, in Fahrenheit. This is the wet bulb temperature.

How to Use the Wet Bulb Tool

Having a tool to quickly and easily calculate the wet bulb temperature can be handy. This tool can be that little bit of efficiency booster for you. The steps involved with using this tool include:

  1. Enter the temperature in Fahrenheit.

  2. Enter the humidity, do not enter the percent sign only the numerical value.

  3. Hit calculate and get the wet bulb temperature.

Calculation Example

For an experiment we are doing we need to find the wet bulb temperature. We can use this tool to help us with that. We must get the values for both the temperature and humidity then we can proceed. We find the current temperature to be 65 Fahrenheit and there is currently 40% humidity. We will enter 65 into the temperature field and then 40 into the humidity field. We can now hit calculate and get a wet bulb temperature of 48.91 Fahrenheit.

Wet Bulb - Frequently Asked Questions

Wet bulb temperature is the lowest temperature air can reach through the evaporation of water only. It reflects the cooling effect of evaporation and is always equal to or lower than the dry bulb (air) temperature.

Wet bulb temperature is measured using a thermometer wrapped in a wet cloth and exposed to airflow. The evaporation of water from the cloth cools the thermometer, providing the wet bulb reading.

Wet bulb temperature is crucial for assessing heat stress, HVAC system efficiency, and evaporative cooling potential. It indicates the combined effect of temperature and humidity on living beings.

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