Cloud Base Calculator

Calculate the lowest altitude of the visible portion of a cloud as well as its temperature with this free calculator.

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What is Cloud Base?

Cloud base is the term for the lowest visible point of a cloud, which is measured in a unit of length to determine its elevation. So cloud base can be 1,500 feet, 0.59 miles, or another unit of measurement.

How to Calculate Cloud Base

Calculating the altitude of the base of clouds can be done with the following equation:

Cloud Base = (temperature - dew point) / 4.4 × 1000 + elevation

Don't Know the Dew Point?

If you do not know the dew point you can use our dew point calculator to get this value!

Cloud Base - Frequently Asked Questions

The lowest cloud base will typically be at or below 6,500 feet above ground.

The process of evaporative cooling while it is currently raining can produce clouds lower than the current base.

Fog is the same thing as a cloud just at an altitude more level with us. If the cloud forms at or above 50 feet, it will be considered a cloud.

Scientists are still puzzled as to why clouds do not freeze. The term for this is supercooling, where liquids do not solidify even below their normal freezing point.

Create Date: July 17, 2024

Last Modified Date: September 19, 2024