Manufacturing Overhead Per Unit Calculator

Calculate the manufacturing overhead per unit with our free calculator. Determining this number can help your business make more informed business decisions moving forward.

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What it is

What is Manufacturing Overhead Per Unit?

Create Date: July 15, 2024

Last Modified Date: January 14, 2025

Manufacturing overhead per unit signifies how much expenses are tied to a single unit of a product being produced. It can be used to forecast expenses as a manufacturing facility continues to grow and allows them to be prepared with the capital needed for future growth.

How to Calculate Manufacturing Overhead Per Unit

Being able to calculate manufacturing overhead per units requires you to have values for the following variables:

  • Total manufacturing overhead (for your desired timeframe)

  • Units produced during the specified timeframe
Once you have the value for each of these variables, you can use them in the following formula to find the manufacturing overhead per unit:
An image showing the formula for calculating the manufacturing overhead per unit.
  • MOPH = Manufacturing overhead per unit

  • OH = Overhead cost

  • NU = Number of units produced

What's Included in Manufacturing Overhead

This calculator requires the manufacturing cost to be entered to perform the equation. This number should be the total cost of all manufacturing-related expenses. This includes:

  • Utilities
  • Labor
  • Machinery
  • Tools
  • Additives (lubricant, replacement parts, etc.)
  • Material cost

As you can see, it entails anything that is related in any way to the manufacturing of products.

How to Use the Manufacturing Overhead Per Unit Tool

The steps to using our tool to find the manufacturing overhead per unit include:

  1. Enter the total manufacturing overhead cost for a specific timeframe you want to evaluate.

  2. Enter the number of units produced during that same timeframe.

  3. Hit calculate and get your answer instantly!

Calculation Example

Let's say we have a manufacturing business where we want to discover the manufacturing overhead per unit. We are going to analyze a single month of operation. During this month, our overhead was $23,500 and we managed to produce 60,000 units during this time. We can use this tool to find the manufacturing overhead per unit by entering 23,500 into the total overhead field and then 60,000 in the units produced field.

We are now ready to hit calculate and once we do we get an answer of $0.39 per unit. This means that essentially every unit produced can be attributed to .39c towards the upkeep of the operation.

Manufacturing Overhead - Frequently Asked Questions

There are some expenses that are not included, most notably the cost of rent is often excluded. Also, taxes can be omitted.

Finding the cost per unit can help forecast how much will be needed to invest to produce more units in the future. It also can help determine profit margins and overall profitability.

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