Time & A Half Calculator
Wondering what you should be getting paid if you got time and a half? Our calculator will be able to assist you in finding your hourly rate if that was the case.
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Time & A Half Rate:
Create Date: June 23, 2024
Last Modified Date: January 15, 2025
Time and a half is very easy to calculate. Simply find what 50% of your standard rate is, then add it back to your standard rate. That new number is your time and a half rate. Or you can use our simple and free time and a half calculator to get that number nearly instantly. The formula that you can follow is:
Your result be the rate at which you will be paid when time and a half is applied. This is the new hourly rate you should be paid for every hour that time and a half will be affecting.
Let's say we want to figure out how much our hourly rate will be with time and a half applied. We currently earn a standard rate of $25.50 an hour. To get our time and a half rate we can simply enter 25.50 into the hourly pay field, then hit calculate. Once we do, we learn that our time and a half rate would be $38.25 per hour.
People typically get time and a half when working overtime. Overtime would typically be considered any hours worked over the 40-hour mark per week.
Yes, part-time employees who exceed legally mandated work hours may also be eligible for time and a half pay, depending on local labor laws.
If your regular wage changes, simply update the wage amount in the calculator to see your new time and a half rate.
Yes, you can use our time and a half calculator on any device which includes your phone.