Save Percentage Calculator

Use this tool to calculate a goalie's save percentage based on total shots faced and saves made.

Required Information

Save Percentage:

What it is

What is Save Percentage?

Create Date: October 21, 2024

Last Modified Date: January 15, 2025

Save percentage is the percent of shots that a goalie was able to save based on their total saves made against the total shots faced. Shots that miss the net, shots blocked by other players, post hits, and shootout shots typically do not count towards these stats.

How is Save Percentage Calculated?

Save percentage can be calculated with the following variables:

  1. Shots against

  2. Saves made
Then you can use the following formula to find the save percentage:
An image of the formula used to calculate the save percentage in sports.
  • SP = Save percentage

  • SM = Saves made

  • SA = Shots against

Understanding Your Results

Your results will be displayed in both percentage form and decimal form. These values will look different but represent the same value. The save percentage can only go as high as 100% or 1.000. This only happens when the number of saves made is equal to the total number of shots against. This result can only go as 0% or 0.000, it will never be negative.

How to Use the Save Percentage Tool

Calculating save percentage is not normally something that is needed to be done, most of the time this metric is given to you. But if you need to calculate it on your own you can use this tool to easily do that. The steps involved with using this tool include:

  1. Enter the number of total shots against.

  2. Enter the number of total saves made.

  3. Hit the calculate button and instantly get your results.

Calculation Example

We are the goalie for our college hockey team. We want to check our save percentage after our latest game that we played. We can do that with the help of this tool. In the game, we faced a total of 29 shots and made 27 saves. To get our save percentage we will enter 29 into the total shots against field and then 27 into the total saves made field. We can now hit calculate and learn that our save percentage was 93.1% or 0.931.

Save Percentage - Frequently Asked Questions

A save percentage of .900 or higher is considered good in most leagues. Elite goalies often maintain percentages around .920 or higher.

No, save percentage cannot exceed 100% because it represents the fraction of shots saved compared to total shots faced.

Yes, save percentage is always a positive value since it is derived from counts of shots and saves.

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