Tip Calculator

Want to tip your waiter or service provider a specific percent but need help calculating the tip's exact amount? That is what our calculator is here to help you with, simply add your bill total and percent you want to tip and get the value instantly!

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What is a Tip?

Whenever you go out to eat in certain countries you will be asked for a "tip" at the end of your meal. This is an amount of money that wll be added on top of your bill to go to the waiters who worked to serve you during your stay.

Going out to eat is not the only place where tips will be requested but it is the most common. Other instances where tips are accepted include barber shops, tour guides, fishing trips, and more.

Why Tipping is Important

Tipping may seem unecessary as you are already paying your fair share for the service. But the way many individuals in service industries get paid is through the generosity of customers.

This means the more people tip the more certain employees will make. If they get no tips one day they will take home next to nothing. For example, in America in 2024 the minimum wage for a waiter or waitress is just $2.13 an hour.

What is a Good Tip Amount?

If you are unsure how much you should tip you are not alone. The way tipping is gauged is by percentage of your bill, not dollar amount alone.

Here is a breakdown of the percentages you can tip your service workers.

  • 20+ percent - If you are very happy with your service and want to give a good tip, giving at least 20% will be appreciated and any more than that will be greatly appreciated.

  • 15-20 percent - This is generally considered as the ideal amount to tip. It is not too much but also not so little that it is insulting to the service workers.

  • 10-15 percent - If you are not thrilled or over the moon with your service you can tip just about 10 percent or a bit more. It is generally considered the minimum tip amount and any less will come off as insulting.

  • Less than 10 percent - For any reason, if you give less than 10 percent as a tip you are giving too little. There is nothing wrong with giving this small of an amount and nothing will happen to you but if you frequent an establishement and give them this little you are not going to be seen as a good customer in their eyes.

How to use our Tip Calculator

Simply enter the amount of your bill and then the percent that you want to tip. You will instantly get the tip amount as well as the new total cost of the bill.

Do not enter the dollar sign or the percent symbol in the fields, our calculator automatically understands your input without those symbols.

Tipping - Frequently Asked Questions

If a service charge is already included in your bill, you may not need to tip additionally. However, you can use this calculator to add an extra tip if you feel the service was above and beyond what the service charge covers.

If you are splitting the bill with others, you can still use this calculator to determine the total tip amount. Each person’s share of the tip can be calculated by dividing the total tip by the number of people in the group.

Tipping is not mandatory and should reflect your satisfaction with the service. However, in many cultures, tipping is expected and seen as a part of the service worker's compensation. Be aware of local customs, especially when traveling.

Create Date: June 21, 2024

Last Modified Date: July 05, 2024