KD Ratio Calculator

Calculate your KD ratio by entering your kills and deaths. KD is a common stat used to determine your success in a game and can be used to determine how many people you eliminate per life.

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KD Ratio:

What is KD Ratio?

KD ratio, or Kills to Death ratio, is the number of kills you get per life on average. This is a number that is often measured in FPS video games and can be a competitive metric that people strive to make as high as possible.

How to Calculate KD Ratio

KD ratio can be calculated with the following formula: KDR = Kills / Deaths. The resulting number is your KD.

Sometimes gamers will include assists in their KD ratio, simply add your assists to your kills and perform the same equation to get your KDA Ratio.

What is a Good KD Ratio?

A good KD ratio varies depending on game you are playing, the game mode you often play, among other factors. Your goal should always be to keep it above 1.0, but anything over 2.0 is considered above average.

KD Ratio - Frequently Asked Questions

1.5 KD means you get 1.5 kills per death. Essentially, for every life you average 1.5 kills each time.

It is hard to determine the highest KD ratio due to hackers and cheaters in video games. However, it is not uncommon for some of the top players in the world to have KDs between 5 and 10, possible more.

Increasing your KD ratio in video games is not an easy task. You have to assess various aspects of your gameplay. This can include the game you play, the game mode you frequent, the classes and weapons you equip, and more. Also, if you are a PC gamer, you can work on your clicking skills with various online testing websites, such as this one to hone your mouse skills.

Create Date: July 12, 2024

Last Modified Date: July 12, 2024