KD Ratio Calculator

Calculate your KD ratio by entering your kills and deaths. KD is a common stat used to determine your success in a game and can be used to determine how many people you eliminate per life.

Required Information

KD Ratio:

What it is

What is KD Ratio?

Create Date: July 12, 2024

Last Modified Date: January 14, 2025

KD ratio, or Kills to Death ratio, is the number of kills you get per life on average. This is a number that is often measured in FPS video games and can be a competitive metric that people strive to make as high as possible.

How to Calculate KD Ratio

KD ratio, short for kill-death ratio, can easily be calculated with just two variables:

  1. Kills

  2. Deaths
You can then use the following formula to get the KD ratio for your situation:
An image of the formula used to calculate KD ratio.
In certain games they will now include "eliminations" where you were not the one to get the kill but you aided in taking down the enemy. Calculating KD for a game that tracks eliminations can be slightly different.

Understanding Your Results

When you use this calculator you will get a single number as your answer. This is the ratio that represents how many kills you get for each death in a game. Essentially, the higher the number the better you are performing at taking out the enemy team. This ratio can only go as low as zero, it will not go negative. However, a KD under 1.0 is technically negative as it means you are dying more than you are killing the other team.

How to Use the KD Ratio Tool

Calculating KD ratio can be done with this tool very easily. The steps involved with using this tool includes:

  1. Enter the number of kills.

  2. Enter the number of deaths.

  3. Hit calculate and get your KD ratio instantly,

Calculation Example

We just got done with playing our favorite FPS game. We wanted to track how well we did over the span of a few games. In total, we got 151 kills and 98 deaths. To get our KD ratio we will use this tool. First, we will enter 151 into the kills field, then we will enter 98 in the deaths field. We can now hit calculate and get a KD ratio of 1.54.

We notice that the game has our complete career stats for our entire lifetime of playing the game. If we want to calculate our lifetime KD ratio we can take the total kills, 1,940, and deaths, 712, and use this tool. We will enter 1,940 into kills and then 712 into deaths and hit calculate. We learn that we have a lifetime KD of 2.72.

KD Ratio - Frequently Asked Questions

1.5 KD means you get 1.5 kills per death. Essentially, for every life you average 1.5 kills each time.

It is hard to determine the highest KD ratio due to hackers and cheaters in video games. However, it is not uncommon for some of the top players in the world to have KDs between 5 and 10, possibly more.

Increasing your KD ratio in video games requires improving multiple aspects of your gameplay, such as awareness, positioning, and aim. Playing smarter, not just harder, is key.

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