Win Percentage Calculator

Calculate the win percentage of a certain sports team, your rec league team, yourself in your favorite game, or any other situation that can be applied.

Required Information


What is Win Percentage?

Win percentage is a way to measure the number of times a subject wins opposed to losing. It is a percentage out of 100, the closer to 100 the better.

How to Calculate Win Percentage

Calculating win percentage can be done very easily with the basic win percentage formula that you can use if calculating it by hand:

Win Percent = (Wins / Total Games) * 100

To get your total games played you can simply add together your total wins and losses from your data set.

Understanding Your Results

The result you get from this tool will be a percentage. You will have your total number of games displayed. When analyzing your results, you easily will be able to determine if your win percentage is good or not.

If you think of it on a grade school grading scale, 90-100% will be an A which is very good, 80-89% being a B which is also rather good, and so on.

At the end of the day, your win percentage being good or not will depend on the realm it is being applied to. A win percentage of 65% may be good for certain activities, while being poor for others.

How to Use the Win Percentage Calculator

Our win percentage tool will be very easy to use, the only two steps to use it are:

  1. Enter the total number of wins from your data set.
  2. Enter the total number of losses from your data set.
  3. Hit calculate and instantly get your win percentage!

Example Calculation

If you want to calculate your win percentage based on 36 wins and 21 losses, you simply enter each value into the appropriate field on our tool and hit calculate. The following equation will work behind the scenes: Win Percent = (Wins / (Wins + Losses)) * 100. The result is a win percentage of 63.16%.

Win Percentage - Frequently Asked Questions

To calculate win percentage you need to divide the number of games won by the total number of games, then multiply that value by 100 to get your win percentage.

A good win percentage will vary based on the situation. There is no single percentage that is considered good since there are so many variables with each niche, sport, sector, etc.

Ties will make your win percentage lower, since they are not wins they do not contribute to the number. With our tool, you should add your number of ties to your losses for a more accurate win percentage.

Create Date: August 24, 2024

Last Modified Date: August 28, 2024