DPMO Calculator

Calculate the number of DPMO, or defects per million opportunities, you can expect to see based on your situation.

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What is DPMO?

DPMO stands for defects per million opportunities. It is a number that represents the number of defects you can expect to see if a million units are made of a product of if the opportunity presents itself one million times. It is useful for forecasting and preparing a brand for troubles that can come along with scaling.

DPMO - Frequently Asked Questions

3.4 Defects per million is an extremely difficult number to achieve and maintain as that is nearly no defects at all. It is a number that means a million units or processes may pass with only 3.4 defects occurring, near perfection.

To calculate DPMO, you can use the formula:DPMO = [total number of defects in sample / (sample size units x number of defect opportunities per unit in the sample)] x 1,000,000.

Create Date: August 26, 2024

Last Modified Date: August 26, 2024