Nether Portal Location Calculator

Minecraft's worlds are expansive, if you want to place your nether portal in the best location you can use this locator tool to find the coordinates of the generated portal in the nether.

Required Information

Overworld or Nether

Overworld Coordinates

What is the Nether Portal?

The Nether portal is portal that brings you to the Nether dimension in Minecraft. When you build the portal in the overworld, it automatically creates a portal in the nether, which is where you will end up when going through the portal.

If you want to try to place yourself in the best location within the Nether, use this tool to place yourself where you want. Or, if you get lost use this tool to help you find your portal location in either dimension!

Nether Portal - Frequently Asked Questions

A Nether portal requires obsidian blocks and a flint and steel item. You must place the obsidian blocks a certain way as well.

No, 3x3 is too small. A Nether portal must be at least 4x5 and can be as large as 23x23.

You will use the flint and steel item, specifically lighting a fire on the top side of an obsidian block on the bottom of the portal. It will turn the inside of the blocks a glowing purple color, that is how you know it is done correctly.

Nether portals are not something you can find in the game by default, they only appear when you either build them or go through a newly created portal for the first time. This is because an end destination portal is always created when you go through a portal for the first time.

You can essentially make a Nether portal anywhere, but you may not be able to use it in certain locations such as being submerged in lava.

Create Date: September 12, 2024

Last Modified Date: September 12, 2024