Current Ratio Calculator

Calculate the ratio of your or your businesses' liabilities to assets to assess the overall health of yourself or your business.

Required Information


What is Current Ratio?

Current ratio is a number that helps show liquidity of a business or person, which can be used to determine their ability to cover short-term obligations with their current assets.

How to Calculate Current Ratio

The formula for current ratio is rather simple.

Ratio = Current Assets / Current Liabilities

Example of Current Ratio Calculation

Let's say you own a local paint store, your total assets total $350,000 while you have liabilities that amount to $250,000. Ratio = 350,000 / 250,000. The result will be a current ratio of 1.40.

How to Use the Current Ratio Calculator

  • Enter the value of your current assets. Do not include any symbols or punctuation, only the number.

  • Enter the value of your current liabilities. Do not include any symbols or punctuation, only the number.

  • Hit calculate and get your results in less than a second!

Current Ratio - Frequently Asked Questions

Having a good current ratio can be important. What is generally considered good is a current ratio between 1.5 and 3.0, so yes, a current ratio of 1.5 can be considered good.

Current ratio should not be too high, if it is higher than 4 or 5, it may be a sign that your business is holding onto too much cash or assets where you could use them to maximize profits instead. This is all dependent on your industry, business model, and other factors. It is advised that you talk to a business accountant or similar professional to learn more about your businesses' current health.

Technically, current ratio can not be negative. This is because your assets value should always be over zero, if it is below zero it is not an asset making the calculations not correct.

Create Date: July 16, 2024

Last Modified Date: July 16, 2024