Billable Hours Calculator

Calculate just how much you should be charging a client for a project you worked on. Simply enter your hourly rate and the number of billable hours to get the total cost for the client.

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Billable Total:


What are Billable Hours?

Billable hours represent the amount of time spent working on business-specific tasks that can be charged to a client according to an agreed-upon hourly rate.

Commonly used by consultants, lawyers, and freelancers, billable hours are a crucial component of many service-based businesses. They provide a clear basis for invoicing and help clients understand exactly what they're paying for.

Billable Hours - Frequently Asked Questions

Billable hours are the number of hours that are spent working on a project that can be charged for.

Billable hours include the time you spend on the job or doing approved and agreed upon work. On the other hand, non-billable hours include the time it may take to do secretary related work, driving to and from the work site, and other similar non-project related activities.

The amount that you charge per hour is totally dependent on the work you do, the amount you want to charge, and your level of experience.

Create Date: July 10, 2024

Last Modified Date: July 10, 2024