Billable Hours Calculator

Calculate just how much you should be charging a client for a project you worked on. Simply enter your hourly rate and the number of billable hours to get the total cost for the client.

Required Information

Billable Total:

What it is

What are Billable Hours?

Create Date: July 10, 2024

Last Modified Date: January 14, 2025

Billable hours represent the amount of time spent working on business-specific tasks that can be charged to a client according to an agreed-upon hourly rate. Commonly used by consultants, lawyers, and freelancers, billable hours are a crucial component of many service-based businesses. They provide a clear basis for invoicing and help clients understand exactly what they're paying for.

How do you Calculate Billable Hours?

The amount to be paid to someone or a company based on billable hours can be calculated with the following variables:

  • Billable rate

  • Billable time
You can then use the following formula to calculate the total billable amount:
An image showing the formula for calculating the total amount of money that is to be paid for a billable period.
  • TBP = Total billable paid (or to be paid)

  • BP = Billable rate (converted to per hour for simpler calculation)

  • BT = Billable time in hours

Understanding Your Results

Your result will indicate the total billable rate for a project or person based on the entries you provided. This number is to be paid or what should have already been paid.

How to Use the Billable Hours Tool

Calculating how much someone should be paid can be done with our billable hours tool. The steps to using it include:

  1. Enter the billable rate.

  2. Enter the amount of billable time.

  3. Ensure your entries are correct and the units selected are the correct ones.

  4. Hit calculate and get your answer instantly!

Example Calculation

Let's say we hired a freelance worker to help us with our online organization. We agreed to pay them at a rate of $40 per hour and they were to manually track their time. We are told their billable time is a total of 9.5 hours. We can use this tool to find their total billable amount by entering 40 into the billable rate field then 9.5 into the billable time field.

We can now hit calculate and get a billable total of $380 that we will need to pay the freelancer for their work.

Billable Hours - Frequently Asked Questions

Billable hours are the number of hours that are spent working on a project that can be charged for.

Billable hours include the time you spend on the job or doing approved and agreed upon work. On the other hand, non-billable hours include the time it may take to do secretary related work, driving to and from the work site, and other similar non-project related activities.

The amount that you charge per hour is totally dependent on the work you do, the amount you want to charge, and your level of experience.

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