Watt Calculator

Calculate power, in wattage, that a certain voltage and current can produce with our free calculator.

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What are Watts?

A watt is a unit of power. It is a measure of the power expended from electrical devices and other componenets that run off of some form of electricty.

How to Calculate Wattage

Wattage can be calculated with the following equation:

W = Voltage * Current

The History of Wattage

James Watt, an inventory, mechanical enginner, and chemist, played a significant role in the 18th century towards the advancement of knowledge surrounding power.

He did not directly discover the formula for watts or actually coin the term. However, once this unit of measurement was added to the International System of Units (Sl) in 1960, they named it Watt to honor his work in the industry.

Watts - Frequently Asked Questions

A watt is equal to 1 joule per second, it is a measure of energy essentially.

1000 watts is equal to one kilowatt. The financial cost of this depends on your region as the rate of electricity varies a lot.

Every TV is a litt bit different, but generally, TVs will use between 50 and 200 watts.

2000 Watts is not that much, it can power certain small household appliances like coffee makers, toaster ovens, and blenders.

Yes, if something has a higher wattage it means it can produce or use more energy making it stronger and more powerful than something with lesser watts.

Create Date: July 17, 2024

Last Modified Date: July 17, 2024