Elapsed TIme Calculator

Calculate how much time has elapsed based on a start and end time that you provide.

Required Information

Elapsed Time:

Why is Elapsed Time Important?

Elapsed time is the amount of time that has passed. It can be useful when calculating how many hours you may have worked, how long it has been since your food has been cooking on the stove, how long someone has been sleeping, how long a sports game has been on for, how long you have survived in Minecraft for, or more.

Elapsed Time Example

Let's say you went to a local fair. You arrived at 4:50 and want to see how long you have been there. The time now is 7:29. With this tool, you will find that 2 hours and 39 minutes have passed already.

Elapsed Time - Frequently Asked Questions

A total of 5 hours, 19 minutes and 10 seconds have passed.

At the time of the original post date for this tool, you can not calculate the elapsed time between days, just between two times of the day.

If your start or end time is in the PM, you will need to use military time for the calculation. If you do not know military time, here is a quick breakdown of how it works:

  • 12 pm = 12
  • 1 pm = 13
  • 2 pm = 14
  • 3 pm = 15
  • 4 pm = 16
  • 5 pm = 17
  • 6 pm = 18
  • 7 pm = 19
  • 8 pm = 20
  • 9 pm = 21
  • 10 pm = 22
  • 11 pm = 23

Create Date: September 9, 2024

Last Modified Date: September 09, 2024