Audiobook Percentage Calculator

Calculate the percent of an audiobook that you have already listened to and also see the percent of the audiobook that has yet to be listened to with our free and easy to use audiobook percentage calculator.

Current Audiobook Time

Total Audiobook Length


What Does the Audiobook Percentage Calculator do?

This calculator uses your current time and the total time of the audiobook to tell you just how far in you are to it. You will get a percent value showcasing our progress and a percent value telling you how much of the audiobook is left.

How to Use This Calculator

  1. Start by entering the time you are currently at in the audiobook. The hour, minute, and second value must be entered. If you are not even an hour into the audiobook, you must still enter zero in the hour field.

  2. Then enter the total length of the audiobook. Once again, you must fill in each field so even if it is under an hour in total you must enter zero in that field.

  3. You can now hit calculate and get your audiobook percentage in under a second.

Audiobook Percentage - Frequently Asked Questions

Audiobooks have a very wide range of length. Some can be under an hour and some can be multiple hours.

This depends on the current time you are at and the total time of the audiobook. You can use our calculator to get the exact percentage you are at in your audiobook.

Some people like to plan out their audiobooks and ensure they have ample time to enjoy it. If they are only a certain percentage in, they may decide they need to up the playback speed to get it done in a more timely manner.

If you need to see how long your audiobook will take based on a playback speed, use our calculator that can tell you just that.

Create Date: July 25, 2024

Last Modified Date: July 26, 2024