Audiobook Percentage Calculator

Calculate the percentage of an audiobook you have already listened to, as well as the percentage still remaining, using our free and easy-to-use audiobook percentage calculator.

Current Audiobook Time

Total Audiobook Length


What it is

What Does the Audiobook Percentage Calculator Do?

Create Date: July 25, 2024

Last Modified Date: January 14, 2025

This calculator uses your current time and the total time of the audiobook to tell you just how far into it you are. It provides two percentage values: one showing your progress and the other indicating how much of the audiobook is left.

How to Calculate Audiobook Percentage

Calculating how far along you are into an audiobook can be done with the following formula:

An image of the formula used to calculate how far along someone is into an audiobook.
  • CP = Current percentage

  • CTS = Current total seconds

  • TS = Total seconds in the entire audiobook

Understanding Your Results

When you use this calculator you will get two different results. First, you will see your audiobook percentage which is the percent progress you have made in listening to the audiobook. Then you will also see what percent left you have in the audiobook to listen to.

How to Use the Audiobook Percentage Tool

Calculating how far along you are into an audiobook can easily be done with this tool. The steps involved include:

  1. Enter the current time you are at in the audiobook. You will enter the hour, minute, and seconds independently.

  2. Enter the total length of the audiobook. You will enter the hour, minute, and seconds independently.

  3. Hit the calculate button and instantly get your results.

Calculation Example

We just started listening to this audiobook and have really enjoyed it. We got lost in it and didn't realize we already listened to 4 hours and 50 seconds of it! In total, it is 6 hours, 22 minutes, and 5 seconds long. We can use this tool to find out the percentage of the audiobook that we have listened to. We will enter 4 into the current hours, zero into the current minutes, and 50 into the current seconds. Then, we will enter 6 into the total hours, 22 into the total minutes, and 5 into the total seconds. We can now hit calculate and find that we listened to 63.03% of the audiobook so far and have 36.97% left to hear.

Audiobook Percentage - Frequently Asked Questions

Audiobooks can vary significantly in length, ranging from under an hour to several hours long.

This depends on your current time and the total audiobook length. Use our calculator to find the exact percentage.

Knowing the percentage can help with planning and managing your listening time. If you’re short on time, you can adjust playback speed to finish the audiobook efficiently.

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