Waist To Height Ratio Calculator

Understanding more about your health is crucial. Use this tool to help you calculate your waist to height ratio to get a closer look at your body.

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Waist to Height Ratio:

What it is

Why is Waist to Height Ratio Important?

Create Date: October 22, 2024

Last Modified Date: January 15, 2025

Waist to height ratio can be used to get a better idea of your overall body and wellness. If you are obese or overweight, your waist to height ratio can help you understand how bad it is or not.

How do you Calculate Waist to Height Ratio?

Waist to height ratio can be calculated with exactly that, waist measurement and height. Once you have those you can use them in this formula to find out the ratio:

An image of the formula used to calculate the waist to height ratio of someone.
  • WHR = Waist to height ratio

  • Waist = Waist circumference in meters

  • height = Height in meters

Understanding Your Results

Your result will be a single number. This number is the ratio of your waist compared to your height. This number should essentially always be under 1. In some very rare cases it will be close to or over 1. Your ratio can tell you more about your body and help you understand it better. A normal healthy ratio is generally considered to be around .5.

How to Use the Waist to Height Ratio Tool

Using our waist to height ratio tool is easy. We make it as efficient as possible to make the calculation as simple and fast as possible. The steps involved with using the tool include:

  1. Enter your waist measurement.

  2. Enter your height measurement.

  3. Check your entries and make sure your values are correct and that the units of measurement are accurate.

  4. Hit the calculate button and get your waist to height ratio.

Calculation Example

Let's say someone wants to get a better understanding of their body and wellbeing so they want to find their waist to height ratio. They are 5 foot 11 and have a 33-inch waist. They can then use this tool to easily get their ratio.

They can start by entering 33 into the waist field and then for the height field they will need to convert their height into inches total. That means they will be entering 71 into the height field. They can now hit calculate and find their waist to height ratio to be .46.

Waist to Height Ratio - Frequently Asked Questions

An ideal waist-to-height ratio is usually considered to be below 0.5. This means your waist measurement should be less than half of your height.

Waist-to-height ratio is considered by some experts to be a better indicator of health risks related to obesity, especially concerning abdominal fat, compared to BMI. It gives a direct insight into how much fat is stored around your waist compared to your height.

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