Percent to Goal Calculator

Goals are vital to achieving more and reaching milestones. Use this tool to see what percent of your goal you have completed so far.

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Percent to Goal:

Why it matters

Why are Goals Important?

Create Date: October 2, 2024

Last Modified Date: January 15, 2025

Goals are designed to help push you and keep you on track. If you set a goal, you need to be disciplined enough to work on it and keep at it until you have achieved it. Understanding how close you are to your goal can be motivation to finish strong on it.

How to Calculate Percent to Goal

Making goals and sticking to them can boost productivity, efficiency, and help guide you along. Keeping track of where you are at in terms of how far you have progressed towards your goal can also be invigorating. The formula for calculating the progress you have made towards a goal is:

An image of the formula used to calculate how far along a value is to the desired goal value.
  • PG = Percent to goal

  • CV = Current value

  • G = Goal value

Understanding Your Results

Your result will be a single percentage. This percentage represents how far along your current value is to the goal. The closer the percentage is to 100, the closer the goal is to being achieved. There are instances where the percentage is over 100%, this indicates you have surpassed your goal and can be used to understand how much you over performed. The percent to goal can only be as low as 0%, it can not be negative.

How to Use the Percent to Goal Tool

Calculating how far along you are towards a goal you have set can be huge. This is something that our tool calculates for you so you can focus more on reaching your goal. The steps involved with using this tool include:

  1. Enter your goal value, the number you want to reach.

  2. Enter the current value that you have.

  3. Hit the calculate button and instantly get your result.

Calculation Example

We are an avid collector of trading cards. At the beginning of the year we set a goal for the number of rare cards we want to have in our collection. The number that we chose was 250. We can use this tool to find out just how close we are to hitting our goal. First, we will enter 250 into the goal field. Then, we will enter the current number of rare cards we have, 124, into the current value field. We can now hit calculate and find that we are 49.6% of the way to our goal. This means we are just about halfway to our goal.

Percent to Goal - Frequently Asked Questions

Tracking your progress towards a goal is essential for accountability and staying motivated to achieve it.

This tool can track goals in finances, personal health (like weight), business targets, fundraising, and more.

If your current value surpasses your goal, congratulations! You’ve exceeded your target.

Yes! Enter your target goal and the amount raised so far to see your progress.

Lowering your goal will increase your progress percentage instantly. Be cautious when revising goals as it might undermine your efforts.

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