Vital Capacity Calculator

The human body is an amazing organism, with our lungs being one of the most important organs. Use this tool to determine how much air you can exhale after taking in as much air as you can.

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What it is

What is Vital Capacity?

Create Date: October 1, 2024

Last Modified Date: January 15, 2025

Vital capacity refers to the total volume of air that your lungs can hold and exhale after inhaling for as long as you can. This measurement is crucial in assessing lung function and overall respiratory health. It varies from person to person depending on several factors such as age, sex, height, and physical condition.

How do you Calculate Vital Capacity?

Vital capacity can be found with the use of a few different variables. The variables that you will need to gather include:

  • Sex of the person

  • Their age

  • Their height
Now with these values, you can enter them into this formula to find the vital capacity of the person:
An image showing the formula for finding a person's vital capacity.
  • VC = Vital Capacity

  • H = Height

  • GC = Gender Constant (Male: 27.518, Female:21.679)

  • A = Age

Understanding Your Results

When you hit calculate your result will be a single number which is the total amount of space that air can fill in your lungs. Typically, men will have a greater vital capacity than women.

How to Use the Vital Capacity Tool

Vital capacity can be calculated with this tool in just a few steps. The steps include:

  1. Choose your sex from the dropdown menu.

  2. Enter your age.

  3. Enter your height after choosing the best unit type for you.

  4. Hit calculate and get your result in seconds!

Example Calculation

If you want to find your own vital capacity this tool will be useful to you. Let's say you are a 5'11 male who is 24. We will leave the sex set to male, we will enter 24 into the age field and then turn our height into inches so we will enter 71 into that field.

We can now hit calculate and we will get our vital capacity which is 4.498 liters. We can convert this to cubic inches by selecting that from the dropdown menu to get our answer of 274.487 cubic inches.

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