Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) Calculator

Understanding just how much it costs to get a new customer for your business is crucial for ensuring profitability. Using our CAC calculator, you can find out your acquisition cost to help you with future budgeting and adjustments.

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What it is

What is Customer Acquisition Cost?

Create Date: July 10, 2024

Last Modified Date: January 14, 2025

Customer acquisition cost, or CAC for short, is the total cost your business accrues when getting a customer from start to finish. This number can help business owners and decision makers make informed decisions on how to alter pricing, marketing efforts, marketing success, and other important metrics for running a successful business.

How to Calculate Customer Acquisition Cost

CAC is able to be calculated in just a few steps. It requires knowing the cost of marketing, the cost of sales, and the number of new customers. The formula for it is:

An image showing the formula for calculating customer acquisition cost.
  • CAC = Customer acquisition cost

  • MC = Marketing cost

  • SC = Sales cost

  • CC = Customer count

Understanding CAC Terminology

It is important that you understand what some terms relating to CAC mean.

  • Cost of Marketing: This is the total amount spent on marketing and advertisements for attracting potential customers. When using it for CAC calculation, you will only include the cost for a certain timeframe or certain number of customers gained.
  • Cost of Sales: This is the total amount of money it costs your brand to deliver a service or good to a customer. This number should be the total for all new customers being included in this calculation. Example: 5 new customers where each service they purchased costed your business $100, this means the cost of sales is $500.
  • Count of Customers: This is the number of customers you have gained from the marketing efforts. It is integral that your reporting efforts are correct to ensure the CAC is correctly calculated.

How to Use the CAC Tool

Finding your customer acquisition cost can be done very easily with our tool. The steps to using it include:

  1. Enter the cost of marketing.

  2. Enter the cost of the sale.

  3. Enter the number of customers gained during your specific time period.

  4. Hit calculate and get your answer instantly!

Examples of Calculating CAC

A business sells drinks online. They spent $500 in marketing expenses in one month. In that same month they had 8 customers who each bought 1 bottle. Each bottle was $2 to make so the cost of sales was $16. To calculate the CAC you add 500 and 16 to get 516 then divide it by 8 to get a CAC of $64.50.

A power washing company got 10 customers last month. Their marketing cost was $350 and their total cost of sales was $150. To calculate their CAC you add 350 and 150 to get 500 then divide it by 10 for a CAC of $50.

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) - Frequently Asked Questions

Not every business will look at their marketing costs and sales costs to ensure they are profitable and within a healthy range. That makes it important to know your CAC so you manage and actively work on ensuring profitability.

No business's CAC will ever be the same. But in general, a CAC is good when it is less than a third of your customer lifetime value. So if your customer lifetime value is $30, a good CAC is $10 or less.

No, it is impossible for a business to have a negative CAC. It can technically only be as low as zero if you have zero customers despite having money spent on marketing.

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