Decimal to Percent Calculator

Decimals can represent percent values at times, but it can be harder to understand what percent it is signifying. Use this tool to easily convert a decimal value to percent.

Required Information

Equivalent Percentage:


Why are Decimals Used?

Create Date: October 25, 2024

Last Modified Date: January 14, 2025

If you are a coder you are using decimals to represent percentages very often. This is also common in many other industries and has many different applications.

How do you Convert Decimal Values to Percent?

If you need a value as its percent opposed to its decimal value you can employ the following formula:

An image showing the formula for converting a decimal value to percent.
  • P = Percent

  • DV = Decimal value

Understanding Your Results

Your result from this calculator will be a percentage. This number is the percentage equivalent to the decimal that you entered. This means that if you are going to be using a decimal in a piece of code or math, this percent value may be more useful to know and use than the decimal.

How to Use the Decimal to Percent Tool

You can easily use our tool to convert a decimal value to its equivalent percentage. The steps include:

  1. Enter the decimal value. This number can also be a whole number.

  2. Hit calculate and get your answer instantly!

Example Calculation

Let's say we are working on a coding project. We are editing some existing code and want to make sure the values they are using are correct. Their code utilizes a decimal value of .15 in one of the equations. We want to know what percent this is, so we enter .15 into the decimal field. After hitting calculate, we learn that the equivalent percentage of .15 is 15% which is indeed the correct value.

Let's try another, if the decimal value is 2.0 we want to make sure that this is equal to 200%. We enter 2 into the decimal field of this tool and hit calculate and we get confirmation that 2.0 is equal to 200%.

Decimal to Percent - Frequently Asked Questions

You can easily convert a decimal value to a percent value by multiplying it by 100. If you have 5.24 then the equivalent percentage would be 524%. If your number is .065 then the percentage is 6.5%.

.05 as a percent is 5%.

.75 as a percent is 75%.

.005 as a percent is .5%.

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