Fish Oil Dosage for Cats Calculator

Fish oils are good for many different species and beings, including cats. Use this tool to get an idea of how much fish oil your cat should intake per day. NOTE: These values are just estimations and not recommendations, the true value may vary based on other factors. Consult with a vet for a more defined answer.

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How Much Fish Oil Should a Cat Have?

Create Date: September 27, 2024

Last Modified Date: January 14, 2025

Generally, as a rule of thumb if your cat is able to intake about 13-18mg of fish oil per day per pound, that is believed to be an adequate amount. But be cautious, too much fish oil can have negative effects on your cat's health, so never blindly supplement their diet without reviewing the nutrition facts or consulting with a vet.

How do you Calculate Fish Oil Dosage for Cats?

All you will need to calculate a dosage for fish oil for a cat is its weight. You can then employ the following formula:

An image showing the formula for calculating the proper fish oil dosage for a cat.
  • D = Dosage

  • W = Cat's weight (in kilograms)

Understanding Your Results

The answer will be the estimated proper fish oil dosage for your cat, per day. Please note, this number is not definite and this tool should not be used to avoid going to the vet and getting a proper dosage amount from a veterinary professional.

How to Use the Cat Fish Oil Dosage Tool

Our cat fish oil dosage tool is very simple and easy to use. The steps include:

  1. Enter the cat's weight.

  2. Hit calculate and get your answer instantly!

Example Calculation

Let's say you have a cat, Nibbler, who is about 5.5 pounds. You want to give him some fish oil for his coat but you do not know how much to give him. Using this tool, you can figure that out. We will enter 5.5 into the singular field and leave the unit as pounds since that is correct already.

We can now hit calculate and we get a fish oil dosage of 74.84 milligrams per day. This can be converted into other units of measurement by choosing them from the dropdown list.

Fish Oil for Cats - Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, cats can have fish oil, and it is something that they should have in their diet to provide a well-rounded nutrition plan.

If you have a fish oil dropper, you can drip some of it onto their food if they do not like to take it directly from the dropper.

If you have fish oil capsules, they can be split open and given to your cat. However, you need to make sure the product is completely safe for the cat in terms of ingredients and dosage.

If you have a fish oil capsule and a stubborn cat, you can try following this very informative video on how to give a cat a pill.

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